Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 6 - Which One Doesn't Belong?

Day 6:  Which One Doesn't Belong?

K-2 Directions:  Look at 4 number sentences below.  One of them is different from the others.  When you figure out which one doesn't fit in, tell someone you're home with which one it is.  Make sure you tell them why it doesn't belong.  Post your thoughts in the comments below.  

K-2 Challenge:  After finding one number sentence that doesn't belong, try to find a different one that doesn't belong.  Tell someone you're home with the reason why it doesn't belong.  It should be a different reason than the first one!

3-5 Directions:  Look at 4 equations below.  They are all addition equations.  You can justify why one of them doesn't belong with the others.  When you figure out which one doesn't fit in, tell someone you're home with which one it is.  Make sure you tell them why it doesn't belong. Then, using a different reason, try to find a different equation that doesn't belong.  Once you have, tell someone in your house the new reason why that image doesn't belong.  Post your thoughts in the comments below.  

3-5 Challenge:  Come up with a reason why each of the 4 equations doesn't belong in the group with the others!  Tell someone you're home with and post thoughts in the comments section below.


  1. 9562:the only digit that doesn't have a rule.
    10635:only 5-digit number.
    3456:only digit that it counts up.
    6996:only digit that has no more than 2 numbers.

    Deacon Fisher

  2. Emma P from FW thinks that 14 + 14 is different because all of the rest of the equations are two different numbers. She also says that 0 + 1 is different because all the other equations have a 2 in them

  3. 10,635 has 5 digits
    6996 is a palindrome
    3456 has a digit sum that is a multiple of 9 (18)
    9562 has a digit sum that is a multiple of eleven (22)

  4. Kenzie - The top left because the sum is the only 5-didget sum. I couldn't come up with a second one.

    1. Good thinking, Kenzie. Here's a hint for a second one: What do you notice about the digits in the sum 3,456?

  5. Gabby Solon - 14+14 is different because all of the numbers being added in the other number sentences are increasing by 1.

    1. Gabby, thanks for commenting. Could you explain more about what you mean by "increasing by 1"?

  6. The 10635 number is the only five digit number
    The 10635 is the only odd number

    1. Wow! Two reasons for one box! Do you think you could justify how another box doesn't belong?

  7. Grayson Sheehan:
    14+14 doesn't fit because it is the only "double fact"
    0+1 doesn't fit because it is the only number sentence with a "0"

  8. Cameron Woodbury, FW Rm 212
    14+14 because it is only the one with a double number. It is also the only one that has an even sum.

    1. Nice Cameron. Can you think of reasons why they all don't fit in?

  9. 14+14 doesn't fit because all the other number are in equations with numbers that are next to each other on a number line. 0+1 doesn't fit because it is the only equation with 0.

    1. Really interesting thinking. I didn't even see that connection about the numbers being next to each other on a number line. Great job!

  10. Cecelia - 10,635 doesn't fit in because it is the only sum with 5 digits.
    The sum 3456 is unique because the digit numbers all go in a row. The comment above is also me.

    1. Adam: One difference is 10,635 is the only number with 5 digits. Another difference is 10,635 the five is the only odd number in the ones place.

    2. I like that you came up with two reasons for the same number! Can you find another sum that doesn't belong for another reason?

  11. Adam: the first number in 3 of the 4 answers is odd except for the bottom right sum that starts with the number 6

    1. Ahh. So, the first digit in 3 of the 4 answers is odd. Interesting!

  12. Jadelyne Nicolas: I think 0+1=1 does not belong here because 1 is added with 0 so the sum does not change. Another equation that does not belong is 14+14=28 because two of the same numbers are being added.

    1. Hi Jadelyne! It's Mrs. Murray. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for commenting here. You have some great solutions! Keep up the good work!

  13. 14+14=28 is different from others because the sum in this sentence is even number but other sums are odd.

  14. sentence 2184+4812 = 6996 is different from others because 4812 is in reverse order of 2184.

  15. Paige Finkel PG RM210: 1) 14+14= 28 doesn't belong because it is the only doubles fact; and it is the only equation with an even answer; and it is the only equation with addends that are not consecutive numbers. 2) 2+3=5 doesn't belong because it is the only equation with no digit 1 in the numbers. 3) 0+1=1 doesn't belong because it is the only equation without the digit 2 in the the numbers. 4) 12+13 = 25 doesn't belong because it is the only equation that has an odd digit in each number.

  16. Wow! Nice work Paige. You found great reasons why all 4 don't belong!


  17. 14 +14=28 does not belong because it is a doubles fact. The other number sentences are doubles plus one.
