Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 4 - Let's measure!

Find an object in your house for measuring - paperclips, pasta noodles, sticky notes, etc.  Next, find three objects that you would like to measure, such as a laptop, a floor tile, your hand or a piece of paper.  Use your measuring tool to measure the length of each object.

Gr. 2-3:

Gather some measuring tools such as a ruler, yardstick and/or measuring tape.  Find three objects around your house to measure.  How many inches is each object?  How many centimeters?  How do inches and centimeters compare?  Try measuring something large, such as a room, in feet.

Gr. 4-5:
Gather some liquid measuring tools from around your house such as, measuring cups.  Find your favorite water bottle or other plastic container.  Use the measuring cup to measure how many cups of water will fit into the container or water bottle.   How many ounces?   How do these measurements compare?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 3: Which One Doesn't Belong?

Day 3:  Which One Doesn't Belong?

K-2 Directions:  Look at 4 images below.  One of them is different from the others.  When you figure out which one doesn't fit in, tell someone you're home with which one it is.  Make sure you tell them why it doesn't belong.  Post your thoughts in the comments below.  

K-2 Challenge:  After finding one that doesn't belong, try to find a different one that doesn't belong.  Tell someone you're home with the reason why it doesn't belong.  It should be a different reason than the first one!

3-5 Directions:  Look at 4 images below.  One of them is different from the others.  When you figure out which one doesn't fit in, tell someone you're home with which one it is.  Make sure you tell them why it doesn't belong. Then, using a different reason, try to find a different image that doesn't belong.  Once you have, tell someone in your house the new reason why that image doesn't belong.  Post your thoughts in the comments below.  

3-5 Challenge:  Come up with a reason why each of the 4 images doesn't belong in the group with the others!  Tell someone you're home with and post thoughts in the comments section below.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 2 - Kings in the Corner Card Game

Day 2-

One of the best things for me about being stuck in the house is playing cards.  I learned about a new game from my sister called Kings in the Corner.  It is kinda like Solitaire but not by yourself.
Check it out!

How to  Play Kings in the Corner

 Let me know if you like the game and send us some pictures of you playing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 1:  

This activity is called "Would You Rather...?"  Choose any grade level you feel is appropriate for you (it doesn't have to be your grade level) and read the question.   Which would you rather have?   Discuss your answer with someone at home and/or post a comment.

 K-1 Activity 

2-3 Activity

4-5 Activity