Play Penny, Nickel, Dime
Easiest level - Use just dimes and pennies.
Moderate level - Use dimes, nickels and pennies
Hardest level - Use quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies
Players: Play on your own, with a partner or a small group
Materials: 1 die, coins (optional), paper and pencil
How to Play: One person rolls a die. Whatever number it lands on, each player can take that many pennies, that many nickels or that many dimes. You can use real coins, draw pictures of coins, or just record the numbers in a t-chart (shown below). Roll the die 7 times total with each player choosing whether each number goes in the dimes, nickels or pennies column as you go.
The winner is the person who gets as close to $1.00 as possible without going over.
Challenge: What would you do differently if there were only 5 rolls, 6 rolls or 8 rolls? Try those variations and see what happens.