Friday, May 1, 2020

Day 27- Fill the Stairs

Game from

You will need a 10-sided dice for this game.
Virtual 10-sided Dice
Click on the link to use a 10-sided dice.  Then click on the pink 10 die to have 2 dice to play the game. When it is your turn press the roll button.  The 2-digit number will be read from left to right.
If you roll a 10 play it like a zero.

Draw the staircase for each player.
The winner is the one who fills the stairs first.  Good luck!

Questions to think of while playing:
  • Where are you going to put that number? Why there?
  • What number are you hoping for on the next roll?
  • How do you know that number is bigger than that one?
  • What’s the best way to win the game?
  • What is your strategy

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 26 - Talking Math

Choose a question or two about the picture below and solve.  Post your solution in Seesaw and/or in the comments below. (from

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 25: Shape Equations

Directions:  In each of the equations below, same shapes are the same numbers.  Different shapes are different numbers.  Use that information to figure out what number each shape represents.  Describe your strategy for how you solved the value of each shape in the comments below.




Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 24- Special Guest Star Mrs Jaffe From Fox Hill

Mrs. Jaffe has a fun Magic trick with cards.

To do the magic trick you will have to practice your combinations 

that make 10: 9 + 1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4

Check out how to do the magic trick, practice and then try to trick your family!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 23 - Number Riddles

Try to solve a riddle or two from below.  Choose one that challenges you.  Share your solutions in the comments and/or post in your classroom Seesaw.


I am a two digit number.

My value is less than twenty.

I am exactly half-way between 10 and 20.

What number am I?

Gr. 2-3:

I am a 3 digit number.

I am less than 40 tens.

I am more than 200.

All my digits are even.  

All my digits are different digits.

What numbers could I be?  List 4 possible numbers or as many as you can.

Gr. 4-5:

I am not divisible by 2.

I am less than 7 hundred thousand.

My thousands digit is half my tens digit.

My hundred thousand digit is greater than 4.

What numbers could I be?  List 4 possible numbers.

Challenge:  Create your own number riddle and share it in the comments and/or on Seesaw.