Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day 30- How Many?

What if I asked How Many? 
What are some possible responses?

You could say:  1 Pair, 2 shoes, 2 lacings, 20 eyelets.
What else could you say?

What about for these images? 
If I ask How Many, 
answer as many as you can for the one image.

Image #1
How Many?

Image #2
How Many?

From #unitchat


  1. Shoes: I see two soles, 1 box, and two tongues
    Pizza: I see 36 pepperoni slices, 4 whole pizzas, 4 whole crusts, and 1 plate
    Dice: I see 2 colors, 16 die, 4 rows and 4 columns, 8 of each color, 8 three's, 8 sixes, 1 square and 1 rhombus.
